We are called to be in Motion.

Lately, the word motion is in my heart, mind, and everything I do.

Motion means :
▪️You are operating in your happy zone.
▪️You are using your abilities aligned with your purpose ▪️
▪️You are moving toward your purpose.
Lastly and most importantly
✨ Things happen organically when you are in motion.

There is a massive difference between the world’s movement and motion!
▪️ Movement means you move from point A to point B.
✨Motion is a series of movements, which is the life cycle.

Companies can only implement massive change if they inspire teams to be in motion.
But unfortunately, leaders aren’t taught to create motion. They are trained to be strategic, which means too far from the employee’s reality, or transitional, which means managing tasks. Most middle managers are transactional leaders, and C-suits are strategic. Do you see the gap?
Both leadership skills are essential in organizations, but we must teach leaders about transformational leadership to create MOTION.

Transformational Leaders are purposely; they know how to inspire teams, drive change, and, most importantly, share a vision towards the company goals.

When a program fails in an organization, it is because we are full of experts in what they do, but we need experts in WHY we do what we do.

I leave you all with this reflection.
We need motion. Do you know how to create motion?


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Ana Flávia Cavagnoli

Como fundadora da Ignite Business, eu inspiro e capacito pessoas a criar mudanças de impacto. Trabalhar com propósito gerando resultados financeiros sustentáveis está no meu DNA e no centro de tudo o que faço.

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